GRC: The Ultimate Driving Machine for Principled Performance

Reliably achieving objectives while addressing uncertainty and acting with integrity – this is the goal of every well-run organization and the definition of Principled Performance . And yet, while all board members would like to know that this is the...
Reliably achieving objectives while addressing uncertainty and acting with integrity – this is the goal of every well-run organization and the definition of Principled Performance. And yet, while all board members would like to know that this is the state of being at companies they oversee, defining the strategic imperative and establishing the structures, processes, technologies and controls necessary to support it remains a challenge.
In this webinar, OCEG™ Chairman Scott Mitchell and Bruce McCuaig, Director Solution Marketing, SAP Governance Risk and Compliance Solutions, will discuss the goal of Principled Performance and the integrated approach to governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) that drives organizations to achieve it.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to describe Principled Performance as a compelling concept for discussion with your board and c-suite
- Define how an integrated GRC approach is the best vehicle for driving toward the Principled Performance outcome